Additional resources
Rates updated monthly
Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine.
Tax rates can vary within a county, a city, or even a ZIP code. Using a street address helps to ensure more accurate rates and calculations when compared to relying on broader geographic indicators.
*Rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Additional resources
The Alaska (AK) statewide sales tax rate is currently 0%. Individual municipalities have wide authority to set their own taxation rates, and sales tax can be as high as 7.5%.
Alaska sales tax is monitored on a monthly basis for proposed changes to the state sales tax rate and when tax rate changes will take effect.
Other, local-level tax rates in the state of Alaska are quite complex compared against local-level tax rates in other states. Alaska sales tax may be levied at the city/county/school/transportation and SPD (special purpose district) levels.
Alaska sales tax is one of the most difficult states to monitor and maintain as it has many levels of local and special purpose taxes, it allows municipalities to create their own taxing laws and to collect their own local taxes separate from the state. Maintaining accuracy for this state is demanding and time consuming.
The State of Alaska does not levy a sales tax; there are, however, several municipal governments that do.