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Rates updated monthly
Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine.
Tax rates can vary within a county, a city, or even a ZIP code. Using a street address helps to ensure more accurate rates and calculations when compared to relying on broader geographic indicators.
*Rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Additional resources
Note: There can be variations within city and county lines. For more accurate rates, use the sales tax calculator.
The Connecticut (CT) state sales tax rate is currently 6.35%.
Connecticut raised the sales and use tax rate to 6.35% in July, 2011. During 2011 legislation, Connecticut passed the enactment of what is commonly called an “Amazon law” requiring e-commerce businesses who have marketing affiliates located within the state to collect and remit sales tax on items shipped to Connecticut residents. is building a fulfillment center in Connecticut. This physical presence, or nexus, ensures a sales tax obligation for Amazon and many sellers participating in Amazon’s Seller Central and Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) programs.
Retailers in Connecticut are required to collect and remit tax on the sale of goods and services. Goods are taxable unless specifically exempted under state law. Services are only taxable if specifically enumerated under state law.