Additional resources
Rates updated monthly
Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine.
Tax rates can vary within a county, a city, or even a ZIP code. Using a street address helps to ensure more accurate rates and calculations when compared to relying on broader geographic indicators.
*Rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Additional resources
Note: There can be variations within city and county lines. For more accurate rates, use the sales tax calculator.
The Florida (FL) state sales tax rate is currently 6%. Depending on city, county and local tax jurisdictions, the total rate can be as high as 8%.
In the state of Florida, all sellers of tangible property or goods (including leases, licenses, and rentals) are required to register with the state and file and pay sales tax. To file and remit online, you may use an approved vendor, such as Returns for Small Business or enroll in the e-Services program and track payment due dates yourself.
Remote sellers participating utilizing Fulfillment by Amazon warehouses in Florida have established nexus and are required to collect sales tax.