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Rates updated monthly
Missouri sales tax range for 2024
Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine.
Tax rates can vary within a county, a city, or even a ZIP code. Using a street address helps to ensure more accurate rates and calculations when compared to relying on broader geographic indicators.
*Rates are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Additional resources
Note: There can be variations within city and county lines. For more accurate rates, use the sales tax calculator.
The Missouri (MO) state sales tax rate is currently 4.225%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high as 10.1%.
Missouri allows all state and local sales taxes to be remitted together at the state level. Once a seller remits sales tax to the Department of Revenue, the department will then distribute the local sales taxes to the cities, counties, and districts.
Missouri charges what is called a Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT), considered a sales tax on all sellers for the privilege of engaging in business in the state of Missouri. So additional fees on a sale, such as administrative fees for a service such as auction fees, can be considered taxable.